Please come by, check out my new work and say hello. I will have a selection of individual handmade glass beads for crafty folks who like to DIY in addition to my unique collection of finished jewelry and showpieces.
Hi. Just wanted to let everyone know that we are down to one or two spots left plus the scholarship seat for the Heather Trimlett class... so if you're interested make sure to sign up soon!
TANK Jewelry & Beads is a Canadian leader in innovative glass and award winning jewelry techniques.
Located in one of the hippest areas in Toronto, the Distillery District, Tank is home to artists Amy Johnson & Jill Cribbin providing an ideal setting for the creation of exceptional work. TANK also features work by other artists.
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We've always said that we have the best job in the world because we get to play with fire and colour all day... now so can you!